Wednesday, September 30, 2009



Many people repeat what they read because they actually believe it, but after they find it is false and continue to repeat it, should we label them scholars, Egyptologist or should we label them liars.

Ahmose autobiography, The door jamb from Tell el-Dab'a, Khamudy hieroglyphics, Merneptah Stela ... all said to identify Asiatics, Hyksos or Israelites.

The hieroglyphic said to have that meaning in Ahmose autobiography does not exist in any of the other hieroglyphics.

The hieroglyphic said to have that meaning in the door jamb from Tell el-Dab'a does not exist in any of the other hieroglyphics.

The hieroglyphic said to have that meaning in the Khamudy hieroglyphics does not exist in any of the other hieroglyphics.

The hieroglyphic said to have that meaning in the Merneptah Stela does not exist in any of the other hieroglyphics.

In the multiple hieroglyphic sources said to have the word Asiatic, how is it all the words in the sources are different hieroglyphic spellings?


When a population encounters a population of a different language, they can learn the meanings of each other's words.

When a population attempts to hide the meaning of their words or the population speaking that language no longer exists, then the process of code breaking is used.

Code breaking works by finding patterns. Trying to find out what a word of another language also is a search for patterns .... and if/when some of the words are known, the meanings of words can be found by looking at in the context.

* If an unknown word is in a sentence and there is no information in the sentence to identify the meaning ... there is no understanding of that word.

* If a word is only found once in a language (with no accompanying information) the meaning of that word can never be known.

* If a word is found many times in different writings, then the examination of the word in each context will be evidence of it's possible meaning.


A source of hieroglyphics was found in 1896 and the glyphs on a line was translated to foreigners .... decades later in 1976 another 'expert' translated the same glyphs to Israel.

How did they get "Israel" out of foreigners?

Amalekites, Amorites, Arvadites, Edomites, Girgashites, Hamathite, Hittites, Horites, Ishmaelites, Jebusites, Kadmoites, Kenizzites, Midianites, Moabites, Perizzites, Philistines, Zemarites ... ALL of these and More tribes were foreigners and they were in Canaan, so how does these experts, chose Israel to be the foreigners and change the translation?

Does this source of hieroglyphics state they were circumcised, does it say they would not work on a certain day of the week, does the hieroglyphic say they performed burnt sacrifices.. NO, NO, NO !

Ashkelon is conquered, Gezer seized, Yanoam made nonexistent; the foreigners are wasted, bare of seed, Khor is become a widow for Egypt.

I would suggest you find any one who translates that word to Israel, to find that set of glyphs in ANY OTHER EGYPTIAN HIEROGLYPHS or to explain how they determined those particular foreigners can be identified as Israelites.... Take all challengers, ask them to have a trained translator of hieroglyphics to publish how they concluded the word identifies Israel and see if they will sign their name to their assertion on a public web page.


The Merneptah Stele is non-descript. There is NO information to identify those foreigners as "Amalekites, Amorites, Arvadites, Edomites, Girgashites, Hamathite, Hittites, Horites, Ishmaelites, Jebusites, Kadmoites, Kenizzites, Midianites, Moabites, Perizzites, Philistines or Zemarites" .. NOTHING in the context to identify that word as Israel.

Identifying that word as Israel would be as idiotic as reading an account about a football fan throwing a beer bottle at a ref.


What fan, goofy? The one with his hand in the air? NO, to remove a word from the abstract/unknown to the defined department, there would have to be a unique identification that identified them.

The guy with his hat on backwards, would eliminate all girls and all who did not have their hat on backwards.

Why would any one inject the word Israel, when there is NOTHING to identify that word as Israel? To appease the religious who invent evidence for their make believe stories.

Why would any one who knows there is NO evidence that word is Israel, jump on the band wagon and promote that BS?

I guess it is more fun to jump on the band wagon and get along with the ignorant or liars, then it is to be truthful?

It is quite funny how they call the Merneptah Stele, "The Israel Stele" when there are only 5 words in the complete context and none of these words are identified as Israel.

IF a word is only found once in an unknown language and there is nothing in the context to identify it's meaning, then it's meaning is UNKNOWN !

If a word is found multiple times in an unknown language, then the linguist can examine the word in the multiple context and get an insight of the word's meaning.

Show how any translator arrived at the decision the word in the Merneptah Stele identifies Israel, then show us the name of the translator, their translation training and where they will testify to the meaning of this word in a public web page.


This is only one example of the concocted definitions used by BSERS who call themselves scholars/Egyptologist.




Monday, September 28, 2009

JSesh / Transcribing

What's wrong with JSesh?
Until you posted the name, I knew nothing about this system.
Say you typed this source of hieroglyphs into your JSesh editor
You then uploaded your work to the internet. What ever your editor used to create the hieroglyphics visible are not common characters to all people who have computers.
All computers can print numbers or store them in an ascii file.
How many hundreds or thousands of people need type
To make the internet we now have possible, some guy created the htm language. I saw a program where he never earned any thing from that contribution, but now millions of people view and write internet pages with this system.
The idea is to create a universal system of standards agreed on and adopted by universities/Egyptologist around the world.
How many times must hundreds ... thousands of people create the same font?
If an international association of transcribers adopted a standard set of fonts which were public domain, there would be no reason to recreate that which has already been created, with out end.
JSesh.. or dozens of other editors ... do not create a standard file that can be used by any hieroglyphic editor.
Type ... The cow jumped over the moon ... that entry can be read with Word, Edit, Word Pad, Edline, E-mail or any text processor... because they can all create and display the same set of characters.
IF a standard set of glyphs were ALREADY created, there is no need for any editor to create it again.

Say the 4 pics above were 4 different glyphs which were adopted by the international association of transcribers. When viewed in the screen, the numbers would not be visible, but by assigning a 4 digit number to all glyphs, any hieroglyphic source ever typed into the data base would NEVER have to be typed in again.

No one would have to create the same glyphs again.

If you know about ASCII codes, each character has it's own number. That number will render the same ASCII character in any computer. The key to a standard set of hieroglyphic characters is assigning a code for each character.


Kind of like one of those online libraries... BUT regulated by an international organization of Egyptology standards.

The hieroglyphic source would be entered into their international data base.

The Standardized Encyclopedia of Hieroglyphics

Once entered researchers could locate the hieroglyphic source:


A standardized description of the source

The transcribed characters (digital version) of the source

A link to a high resolution of the glyphs

The code for displaying a duck on JSesh or other hieroglyphic editors will NOT be the same line of code... the beauty of the 4 digit number assigned to each glyph. If the standardized code for a duck was 213, then that glyph would be displayed in any hieroglyphic editor that adopted that standardized system.

As the transcriber created a copy of a hieroglyphic source into a digital file, they would see the same glyphs on their screen as the source they were transcribing.. BUT in the back ground, the program would also generate the code for each glyph

0021 2215 0456 ... the ASCII file, for each glyph typed in, a 4 digit number would be typed into a file and be placed in the shared data base of hieroglyphics already entered.

Future researchers could look up a particular source and they could do a word search.

If there were 10 or 10,000 hieroglyphic sources entered into the data base, a word search could find every source and the researcher could look at how that word was used in the context of other sources.


The reason why the internet is what it is today is because of the development of the htm code which is freely used by millions. You don't have to pay to create a htm file.. you don't have to pay to display a htm file ... you can create a htm file, simply by typing in your word processor.

If a standard set of glyphs are assigned numbers and made public domain, and a free reader (like Internet Explorer) to read the codes is established, then hieroglyphic transcribing / reading will move up to the class of htm.

If any one can write a program, that lets you enter numbers to display a specific glyph, I will create an example of how it can be used to create a super search of all hieroglyphics ever entered into a data base.


Before you start, tell me this ... no matter what hieroglyphic editor you use, can you copy THE INSCRIPTION OF KAMOSE into your editor, create a file and place your digital copy on a web page, so the public can see the glyphs you entered ?




Sunday, September 27, 2009

Standards-9985 - Conservation of Egyptology treasures


Conservation of Egyptology treasures

Still n Video Cataloging

In order to create a uniform digital catalog, specific information belongs in specific fields.

Because of human error or neglect chaos will be involved.

The way to keep things in sequence is a data entry system.


Explanation of standard fields for every entry.


Title: Every artifact must be given a standard title. This must be used because the title will also become part of the file name. This will allow a researcher to kick out a specific record or when doing a word search, the title of every file that has that key word will be displayed.


Original Location: This is where the artifact was first discovered. If it is some vague location (like Luxor), then that would raise a red flag. If it is given a specific location, then the researcher can compare the artifact with the given site where it was found.


Present Location (if moved): If the artifact has been moved to some museum, then the researcher can search that museum to obtain an image of it. I get gobs of images from web sites and the fact is, there is no way for me to tell any one this is what the actual piece looks like. When I use images, I crop them, add pics or info, stretch detail, sharpen..

As images of artifacts are put to use, odds are you are not seeing what the original piece actually looks like.

An actual researcher who wanted to document their work, would want to go to the horses mouth... a museum where it is held.


Language : Hieroglyph, Cuneform, Greek, Latin


Pages: (default 1) If it is a stela, wall painting .. the default is 1. If it is on papyrus, it could be multiple pages. This reference is necessary for line numbering.


Permit Records (if moved out of Egypt). Because fakes and forgeries are a mult-million dollar business, one check would be the documentation allowing a person to remove an artifact from Egypt. If there is no documentation, a red flag ... if there is documentation of a permit, the permit will give a full description of the piece that was removed from Egypt.


Link to full image: Any image transcribed should have photographs of the original image.

Comparing a photograph with a sketch, would allow the researcher to give evidence the sketch is legitimate.


Link to transcription: Because translation is NOT an exact science, there may be multiple translation of the same hieroglyph. Those who follow, will probably make notes as to why they chose a different translation.

The scholar could read the reasoning and decide for themselves, which pumpkin they are going to buy.


Information about the person who discovered this artifact: This would give insight about the creditability of the person said to have discovered the particular piece.

I often read such things as "a woman found it" ... a boy found it ... an adventurer found it.

Many times these people are never seen. It is kind of like a man caught with a gun and telling the cops, "a guy in the bar sold it to me"

"An adventurer" found it? Tom Sawyer, a tourist/rug salesman found it on the streets on his vacation to Egypt?

What you know or do not know about the person said to have found the piece is a measurement of it's creditability.


When was it found: This information will be useful in cross checking the piece and documentation.


As the grade school story went, a guy caught a leprechaun and made him promise to tie a ribbon around the tree where his gold was buried.

The leprechaun agreed and the next day the guy saw a ribbon tied around every tree in the woods.

In some tombs there are hundreds of different hieroglyphic text about different things, in different rooms and different walls.

Nail down the specific location:

Title of the specific hieroglyph

Name of the tomb

Which room

Which wall

123 inches from the right corner

83 inches from the bottom

Every square inch of a tomb should be photographed. Before going to a tomb, a diagram of the tomb should be created. Before starting to photograph a wall, a picture of the diagram ... the wall you are about to photograph should be shot, then a systematic recording of that wall.

At night after the tourist are going, would be perfect to set up ladders and lighting to do the job right. Most tombs could be completely video taped in less than a week.

By video taping walls future generations could see that image in relation to other hieroglyphic information around it.


Following the video taping crew, a still image crew would take high resolutions of each segment (Noting it's location with in the structure).

Being exposed to the elements, in time the images and hieroglyphics will vanish.

Before it happens is the time to document these treasures for the future.



Because they can examine the composition of the paint, scientist can project the color temperature when it was originally painted

Any section that is selected for reproduction should be created with the appropriate colors.. BUT before it would be allowed to be entered in the catalogue, an image of the original section would be placed above.

This is the appearance of the piece when photographed

This is what trained artist believe it looked at when painted.


These guys are involved in a very important work

If you have some kind of special talent, you might see what you could do.

For further information on contributions to the work of the Survey, contact the Development Office at (773) 702-9513 or


There must be hundreds of tombs or outside images/hieroglyphics that are over looked.

Adopt a site the big boys have no interest in ... Egyptian school teacher? What a great project for your class.

As for those reading the thoughts on hieroglyphics, I will integrate similar fields into the descriptions.





Transcribing Help Screen

There are lots of hieroglyphic programs on the net, but they do not create a universal code and a bunch of them are novelty programs.. writing your name or a letter to some one.

The only use I am interested is transcribing what the ancient Egyptians wrote into a digital file available to all researchers.

I doubt that many people would learn the numbers of all glyphs. It would help but is not necessary.


(You have a utility similar to this one if you have word. It lets you place special characters in your text)

Other than memorizing the number of each glyph, a simple task like pressing the down key twice will pop up the glyph screen with a page full of glyphs with their numbers. If the glyph you are looking for is not there, press the right arrow and the next screen will appear.

When the transcriber finds the glyph, left click on it and it will place it in the file being worked on.

Each glyph transcribing project is A ONE TIME THING. Once it is done, it never need be done again.

It may take a while to accomplish ... kind of like writing a computer program... thousands of lines of code, hours of work .. but the end user doesn't have a clue what it took. Once the time is taken to transcribe a hieroglyph, it may be shared by thousands until the internet stops working.

Either by typing in the glyph number or locating the glyph and clicking on it in the help screen, would add that glyph to your hieroglyphic word processor.

This system would

a) Display the glyphs as they appear in the actual source

b) Create an ASCII file, which can cross every hieroglyphic entered into the data base

c) Create a link to an image that the file was transcribed from. (more about this later)

Clicking on the help screen would place the symbol on the visible screen and the number in the ASCII file... hypothetical

å             Π            W            symbol
0022         0123         0456            4 digit number






Standard Font Size for Glyphs


Standard Font Size for Glyphs

Have you ever clicked on a web page and the text color is close to the background color... ugh ! or, have you ever went to a page and the font size is so small you had to strain to see it or adjust your screen?

When people printed on paper, they would often use a very small font size to save on the cost of printing, but in digital text, there is no reason why the image should not be large enough for the average bear to see. If it is too big, it is still OK.


Glyph standard size = When the largest glyph, can still be clearly seen.

Some glyphs are small and a simple design. Other glyphs are larger and have lots of detail.

The formula for creating the standard size for all glyphs would be

a) Find the glyph which

b) When shrunk to the smallest size

c) Could still be clearly seen

Say 1" x 1" .. all glyphs would conform to that size.


I guess those are two different kind of birds. Before assigning glyph numbers as a standard, there should be an extensive study to find glyphs similar in design to others and those glyphs all be clustered together, so when scholars learned the system, they could see the close glyphs side by side and see the small differences.

In this example you would notice the difference in 101 and 102


Because "modern" media integrated the type writer..... type, type, type... when moving so far, there would be a carriage return, drop down to the next line. The same thing happens with our word processors "word wrap"

It is pretty hard to chisel small letters in stone. I am guessing lots of hieroglyphic letters are larger than 1 inch.


No matter how large the font, if needed the complete line could remain on one line. Scrolling with the left/right arrows would display all the glyphs on that line.


a) Agree on a standard size for all fonts based on the largest / most detailed glyph.

b) Arrange glyphs based on similarities

c) Number the glyphs.

d) Just like the HTM format which can be used by the world freely, make the standard hieroglyphic format free to all .


All glyphs would be assigned a 4 digit number, so all glyphs smaller than 1000 would be padded on the right with zeros.

This 4 digit numbering system will be essential later...








Friday, September 25, 2009



Invitation to programmers

Font entry by typing numbers

Interested in creating fonts AND have computer programming skills?

A great application for the creation of fonts... Hieroglyphics

The concept of translation is NOT the replacement of words, but the rendering information from one language to another.

In a translation, those who read/hear it, need no special training to understand the meaning. That is what is going on in Egyptology confusion (not translation)

Put this word in a sentence "aAmw", how many people do you know who would have a clue of it's intended meaning? Unless you have special training, you do not have a clue of the meaning of all that gobbly goop.


Creating words with the pronunciation of the ancient Egyptians?

Get a grip on it, no one on earth has a clue of what ancient Egyptian words sounded like. The people who make up these sounds and spellings are making up their own words, that do not exist in any modern language on earth.

If they stop wasting their time inventing their own language, they can use a common language, even "educated people" can understand.


Translation is NOT an exact science. In hieroglyphics, there are many translations of the same text. There is still debate going on about the correct translation of The Rosette Stone.

Before getting to the translation part, let's start with TRANSCRIBING . Here I mean duplicating the glyphs in a hieroglyphic source, to a digital file.

Ancient Egyptian words are created out of a sequence of little pictures, like above, but some times, they are just little geometric symbols.

In our culture we only have 26 symbols to create our language. In hieroglyphics, they say there are over 2,500 glyphs?

I am guessing a fraction of the total are used in most hieroglyphic sources?

The number of glyphs is not important for the programmer who would work on the number to glyph phase.


I never took any programming classes, but years ago I taught myself basic programming. There is a utility that let's you convert numbers to symbols... visible characters begin with 32

5 FOR R=100 TO 255

6 PRINT R;" ";CHR$(R);" ";



100 d 101 e 102 f 103 g 104 h 105 i 106 j 107 k 108 l 109 m 110 n 111 o 112 p 113 q 114 r 115 s 116 t 117 u 118 v 119 w 120 x 121 y 122 z 123 { 124 | 125 } 126 ~ 127 ? 128 € 129  130 ‚ 131 ƒ 132 „ 133 … 134 † 135 ‡ 136 ˆ 137 ‰ 138 Š 139 ‹ 140 Œ 141  142 Ž 143  144  145 ` 146 ' 147 " 148 " 149 • 150 – 151 — 152 ˜ 153 ™ 154 š 155 › 156 œ 157  158 ž 159 Ÿ 160   161 ¡ 162 ¢ 163 £ 164 ¤ 165 ¥ 166 ¦ 167 § 168 ¨ 169 © 170 ª 171 « 172 ¬ 173 174 ® 175 ¯ 176 ° 177 ± 178 ² 179 ³ 180 ´ 181 µ 182 ¶ 183 · 184 ¸ 185 ¹ 186 º 187 » 188 ¼ 189 ½ 190 ¾ 191 ¿ 192 À 193 Á 194  195 à 196 Ä 197 Å 198 Æ 199 Ç 200 È 201 É 202 Ê 203 Ë 204 Ì 205 Í 206 Î 207 Ï 208 Ð 209 Ñ 210 Ò 211 Ó 212 Ô 213 Õ 214 Ö 215 × 216 Ø 217 Ù 218 Ú 219 Û 220 Ü 221 Ý 222 Þ 223 ß 224 à 225 á 226 â 227 ã 228 ä 229 å 230 æ 231 ç 232 è 233 é 234 ê 235 ë 236 ì 237 í 238 î 239 ï 240 ð 241 ñ 242 ò 243 ó 244 ô 245 õ 246 ö 247 ÷ 248 ø 249 ù 250 ú 251 û 252 ü 253 ý 254 þ 255 ÿ _  This is the ASCII code.

With similar programming, typing any number could produce any corresponding glyph.

This principal could be expanded to 200 or 10,000 glyphs. You type in the number and the corresponding glyph will be typed in the word processor.


The abstract words now used to represent a glyph is just confusing. It is as easy to remember 33=an owl, 222=a donkey or 1011 = a crown, as it would be to remember.

Bloop=an owl, hoptie =a donkey or wigwag= a crown. We are oriented with numbers, we do not need to create and learn a language from outer space in order an ancient language.


The numbers entered needs to be 4 digit numbers. The transcriber need not type all numbers, the data entry program could do that.

Type 1, 12 or 123 and I can create a program that will pad it with leading zeros

1- 0001, 12-0012, 123-0123

Punctuation  or a space following a number is translated into meaning the end of that number, so the program adds the number of zeros to make it a 4 digit number.

All glyphs will have a corresponding 4 digit number. This is essential to create a universal data base.


Once a standard set of glyph fonts were created and each font was given it's own number, the next step would be the training of transcribers.

A transcriber being one who memorizes (and/or) has a quick reference to the number of a glyph.

Instead of drawing a duck, type in 213.. which becomes 0213

The glyph of the duck appears in the word processor and

0213 goes into the unseen file.

As the transcriber completes the source, the unseen file is filled with a series of 4 digit numbers. Any one with a program that reads that data, can load the simple ASCII data (numbers) and display the same glyphs in their own word processor...


ONCE any hieroglyphic source has been entered into the data base, it can be shared by researchers until the cows come home.. AND

Any researcher can search every glyph ever entered into the common data base for any key words or key phrases.




How would you spell duck in hieroglyphics.. 213, which would place the glyph of a duck in the word processor display. A lot of time it would be easier to type a number than to draw the glyph.

In this system as you typed the numbers the glyphs above would appear in the hieroglyphic word processor.


Unlike our system with 26 letters, it would take 50 key boards to be able to enter possible glyphs needed.. but if you could type a number and that number place the correct glyph in the word processor, you would be in business.

Can you write a computer program that lets you type in a particular font, by typing in a number?

Send me an e-mail if you are into the development of a hieroglyphic entry method.

Here is the group where I am talking to myself about such ideas, hoping some others interested in hieroglyphics will take the ball and run with it




Sunday, September 13, 2009


Vague speech / letters


Speaking in broad generalities, using information that would require interpretation, using ambiguous speech is the tools of a good flim flam man. By the use of fuzzy words, when cornered the trickster can deny the intent of his words.

Tonight (Sep 12, 2009) they had a segment about the rage of tennis players and reported a great deal of the controversy can no longer be spouted because of the camera system that takes away human judgment. Photography / instant replay in football has also provided the exact way events took place and removed the error of human judgment

Though photography can be faked, it remains a valuable tool in court, because a faked photo would prove the intent forge false evidence. On the stand a witness can blubber around and try to be misleading, but when they present a photo, they are being precise.

It is a common practice for some one to provide photos to prove the amount of damaged property.

Can you imagine some one going into a court room and presenting their sketched interpretation of the damage instead of a photo?


If it still exists when ever you click on it, on this web page

This page gives information about a sketch made of an image inside of an Egyptian tomb.

"The lion-headed goddess Pakhet-Weret-Hekau with the sun-disk on her head is depicted facing both, extending her left hand to the head of the kneeling queen and blessing her. This scene is shown on (a) the drawing below prepared by L. Chappaz-Pache (Les Dossiers d´Archeologie, 1993). (b) The scene has been reworked during the 19. dynasty (now Sethi I is shown kneeling before and turning to Amun) but the (c) traces allowed the reconstruction of the original picture."


(b) the scene has been reworked

(c) but the traces allow the reconstruction of the original picture.

If I am reading this right, it looks like this image has been altered but the tracing allows the original picture to be seen?


On this web page

With few exceptions, the catalogue uses line drawings instead of photographs. Drawing an object creates a mental map of the artifact in the mind of the illustrator, and in my experience this is the best way to understand its iconography. The urns in this catalogue were drawn from sight in museum collections, or alternatively, copied from photographs. Preference was given to the first method. Every effort was made to produce illustrations that faithfully reproduce the originals, but I must stress that these are merely my interpretations


So why look at some one's interpretation instead of the original image?

I heard about a hieroglyph that is referred to over and over, but no photo exists. Why could that be?


1827 did Frenchman Joseph Nicphore Nipce
On 13 April 1841    The Australasian Chronicle announced the arrival of the daguerreotype in New South Wales:
  • Abraham Lincoln, 1860
  • Mathew Brady
  • Salted-paper print, 3.4"x2.1"
  • National Portrait Gallery
  • Image No. NPG.96.179


Why do we read about all the Egyptologist in the early 1900s sketching the images in the tombs instead of photographing them?

Photography had a good start by 1850. Before 1900 photography was a science. Indoor photographs were created with flash powder.

Matthew Brady did photos of Abraham Lincoln in the 1860s

There are hundreds of Matthew Brady Photos from The Civil War

... so why did the early Egyptologist neglect to take photos ? If you are sketching things using your own imagination then it can easily be altered to fit your own agenda, I guess?


I am guessing 99% of all who will ever read this page are not professional Egyptologist.. just the average bear like the rest of us.

I doubt if 10% of you have ever been to Egypt and if you have, you spent two weeks or less on a tour that was all planned out where you would stop and how long you would be in any particular location.

If you studied hieroglyphics for a long time before your trip and actually memorized all the glyphs, on your stop at each location, you may have seen lots of hieroglyphs.

Do you also have a photographic memory?

If you did have all the glyphs memorized and you have a photographic memory of what words were on each hieroglyphic source you saw, then you still only have the knowledge of the hieroglyphs you saw and memorized on your tour.


Where do the masses (including those who call themselves Egyptologist) get their information about hieroglyphics.

* You get it by reading what some one else wrote about the hieroglyph ... or

* You get your information from seeing photos you (or some one else) took of the hieroglyphs.

I and all the rest of you who can not read hieroglyphs, can do no more than puppet what others write.. and even the others who write Egyptology articles, many of them can not read hieroglyphics.

What I write is based on the assumption that what I read is accurate, then I challenge what does not appear accurate (to me).

Egyptologist vs hieroglyphic reader

Egyptologist.. person who reads a whole bunch of information and if they get lucky, they will find a lost prize.

Hieroglyphic reader ... IF they never entered Egypt or saw a picture of Egypt, they have the potential to unlock lost secrets.

There is no reason why hieroglyphs are not photographed with the possible detail.

Any one who wants to sketch them can do so freely, but the public should see the original work beside any re-creations based on the interpretation/imagination of some one with an agenda.

Hieroglyphic sources should have each line numbered in the photographs, for future researchers to refer to.


Remember the question "Can you imagine some one going into a court room and presenting their sketched interpretation of the damage instead of a photo? "

IF what they say is actually written in any hieroglyphic

They can produce the photo of the hieroglyphic and they can point out the exact lines that information is written on.

Those who are translating any hieroglyph is working from pictures. If you are not just parroting what some other parrot wrote, produce a copy of your photo.


You should really start here
How to Navigate this Blog




Thursday, September 10, 2009



Deciphering hieroglyphics is still far from an exact science. The Rosette Stone was found over 200 years ago and there is still an ongoing conflict about the translation.

Is the field of Egyptology to include mythology and fairy tales as well?

I suppose it would expedite research if the make believe were branded for what it is and ignored.


In make believe, any one, any time in history can concoct any thing. When it is challenged the ignorant argument is produced. It goes something like this:

There is no evidence of The Lost City of Atlantis.

-Prove it does not exist.

The ignorant argument is based on proving what did not happen, proving the negative.

What you do not know, what you can not prove, is evidence of nothing but your ignorance.

In concocted history any BSER can fabricate any amount of lies they wish and never be caught because * There is no way to go back in history with out a time machine.

Josephus wrote the accounts about the Hyksos.

John Hanna and his wife were abducted by aliens

King Tut played a game similar to bowling.

Moses sold stones he called magic to the Israelites.

No one can prove what did NOT happen .. the stupid argument is based on what can not be proven, ignorance.

Research/Science is not based on ignorance, but research is based on evidence/facts/what can be proven.

Before you could consider the validity of any account, you would first have to look for any supporting evidence.


When a jury finds a defendant guilty or innocent.. guilty = yes they did do the bad thing, not guilty = no, they did not do that thing.

You are on the Judge

Case (A)

Tom was accused of robbery. In his garage the authorities found money bags from the bank

(You would hand the case over to the Jury or throw it out)


Case (B)

George was accused of starting a fire

The accuser was man who said he read in a letter, that a dead man wrote in a letter, that dead man read in another letter of another man who died before him, that George started a fire 20 years ago. (None of the letters existed)

Not a shred of evidence existed. The case was based on what two dead men were supposed to have written, and there is no evidence that those men ever existed.

Neither of the dead men were around when the fire started.

Neither of the letters of the two dead men existed

(You would hand the case over to the Jury or throw it out)


Case (C)

Mike was accused of the murder of his wife. (He claimed to have been out of town at the time)

On his computer they found searches how to murder and get away with it.

On the murder weapon they found his prints.

On his shoes they found the blood of his wife.

(You would hand the case over to the Jury or throw it out)


As the judge, would you allow all of the cases above to go to a jury ?

If you would through out any of the cases, which would it be?


In Egyptology there are literally tons of hieroglyphics written in stone and physical, age dated artifacts. Why would any one calling themselves a scientist/researcher waste their time with mythology?

In the past books and those who could read were few. People retold stories verbally from one generation to another.

Ghost stories, Robin Hood, The Legend of Sleep Hollow ... Does a fairy tale become fact after the verbal citations are put in print?

IF there is no evidence to base any past events on, they remain a myth if by print or the flapping of the lips.

Well they could be true.. you can not prove it is not true.. the only support of myths is the stupid argument.. ignorance, what can not be proved.

Science/research is based on what can be proven. Myths are based on the imagination.


Myths are usually embraced when they conform with wishful thinking.

Finding the lost city of Atlantis.

I am the descendant of some great leader of the past

Being abducted by friendly aliens

The Israelites ruling Egypt

Finding the lost Ark

When a myth, tickles their fancy, it is swallowed hook, line and sinker, but when a myth goes against their grain, they spit it out?

After I read people claiming to be 'Egyptologist' repeating myths to promote their assertions, I like to bring up an unpopular myth:


In a tomb is an image of some farmers/herders with animals. They are wearing striped clothes. From this image, on their web pages they write:

This is an image of the Israelites migrating into Egypt.

(They use the striped clothes as evidence it is the Israelites)

When I post the account of Professor L. Englehart who reported in his journal that he witnessed crooked Egyptologist in the tomb after hours, painting the stripes on those images.

When I write the account that image never had any striped clothes before several years before 1900 ... it is instant rage.

When a myth is produced that is contrary to their wishful thinking.

* Englehart was a @#$ liar.

* Where is the journal right now?

With out the journal, I suppose the paint could be age dated and examined for chemical content, or if there were some kind of published photos before 1900, one might examine it for stripes.

The Egyptian common people are very poor. It would have been easy to bribe guards to allow wealthy foreigners in after the tombs were closed.

It is quite possible that 'Egyptologist' create forgeries. In my section on forgeries, some of the actual cases are listed. Faked antiques is a multi million dollar industry.

NO matter that no one can not prove this did NOT happen, it remains a myth and is not worth spit.



When forgers concoct 'historic events', one of the best tricks is sprinkle some known information in with the lies.

If you wanted to create a fake letter to George Washington and make it believable, you would sprinkle in some facts such as the year, names of people he encountered, places he was at that particular time.

A good forgery takes information already established to mix in with the concoction.


When people write that Josephus said... I like to counter:

#1 The ancient Egyptians wrote in hieroglyphs, didn't Josephus write in Latin?

#2 Josephus was not born until centuries after the Hyksos were expelled and he lived in another country. How could Josephus be a witness of events that took place before he was born?

#3 You can not make a copy of that which you do not have to copy from. In the books published of what Josephus wrote, show us where the writings are that these authors copied their publications from?

#4 Josephus was supposed to have gotten his information from Manethos. Manethos lived in another country and died centuries before Josephus was ever born.

Show us what museum the writings of Manethos is today so we can go there?

#5 Manethos was not born until 200 years until after the Hyksos were expelled.

Explain how Manethos could record events that he could not be a witness to?

Recently I was accused of calling Joesphus a liar. Before I could call Josephus a liar, there would first have to be a Josephus.

The ONLY evidence that a Josephus ever existed is by the text he was said to have written.

Show us the museum where we can see the text written by Josephus.

Judge: What would you do if the validity of evidence in the Josephus account, was presented evidence in a court. Scroll back to Case B and see what your decision was in a case of non existence evidence.


There will be a never ending stream of mythology accounts mixed into Egyptology by those who concoct them and the lemmings who are pleased by them.

I would suggest that myths be documented in the encyclopedia of Egyptology and marked with a symbol denoting myth

(M) Josephus

(M) Manethos

When researchers go to that reference, a detailed file would lay out the case these are only myths with on existing evidence.


Other than the honest, even the experts can and do publish false information.

On 10/6/2009 The PBS channel had a program on The History Channel.

In this particular segment a southern city had placed a marker where a bridge was destroyed and where General Sherman crossed on a pontoon bridge.

This particular place was arrived at by engineers and maps.

The crossing took place less than 100 years before the marker was placed.

One of the local guys observed that there were giant cut stones along the river bank in an entirely different location and believed the marker was wrong.

After involving the History Detectives and an investigation following, the city authorities said ooops and changed the marker.

Why it took an investigation I am not sure. When there were giant stones weighing tons on the river bank and in the river, a little deduction would leave little doubt of what was on top of those foundation stones.

I suppose the resistance would be the lemmings not wanting to rock the boat of the experts?

In less than 100 years, with experts at hand, false information was expelled.

Egyptology research is difficult in the beginning when it is based on actual information that DOES exist.

(M) Josephus ... Mythology should be like a fart in the wind which quickly passes and is not smelled again.

As the Englehart Journal which reported the stripes were painted by forgers, it should be stored on the same shelf as Josephus.


To begin to consider what the Egyptians wrote, you would need to first see it, transcribe it, then translate it.

If the surface of Egyptology to be scratched, mythology must be identified, labeled and then ignored.





Tuesday, September 8, 2009



I often read there were 'Semitic words" written by the ancient Egyptians?

The use of the word Semite is mostly used to identify Jews. The ramification being they are descendants of an old guy named Shem.

We have all had thousands of ancestors from different families or nationalities.

No one is an exclusive descendant of any specific ancestor but they are a composite of every ancestor they ever came from.


Semite definition associated with the bible:


Encyclopedia: Semites, term first used toward the end of the 18th century for peoples listed in the Bible (see Genesis 10:21-32) as descended from Shem, the eldest son of the biblical patriarch Noah.

Today, however, the term Semite is a linguistic, not a racial, classification; it refers to peoples who spoke or speak any of the Semitic languages. Ancient peoples grouped under this term include those who inhabited Aram, Assyria, Babylonia, Canaan (including the Hebrews), and Phoenicia. Among modern peoples speaking Semitic languages are the Arabs and Jews, particularly in Israel.

The original homeland of the Semites is not definitely known. Scholars think it probably was in southwestern Asia, and some even locate it specifically in Arabia. Evidence uncovered by archaeologists indicates that Semitic-speaking peoples were scattered over Mesopotamia before the establishment of urban culture there; and it is thought that waves of Semitic nomads, beginning presumably in prehistoric times, successively swept over the deserts westward into the Fertile Crescent. Today, the Semitic-speaking peoples (chiefly Arabs) are concentrated in the Middle East and Northern Africa. (Egypt)

Their influence has been extended by the Arabs into Africa south of the Sahara and eastward to the subcontinent of India.

Microsoft ® Encarta ® Encyclopedia 2004. © 1993-2003 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

According to the bible the Israelites came from Chaldeans (ancient Iraqis) and they produced their descendants with Ham such as Ammonites, Amorites, Amorites, Ashdod, Canaanites, Egyptians, Hittites, Hivites, Jebusites, Midianites, Moabites, Perizzites.. and MORE !

The Israelites could no more be Semites than they could be Hamites

The Israelites could not be a different race than any other Asians they encountered, because the Israelites were NOTHING BUT A COMPOSITE of the other Asians they encountered.


Semite definition of a people which spoke a language of the near east.

The term Semite is a linguistic; it refers to peoples who spoke or speak any of the Semitic languages. Ancient peoples grouped under this term include those who inhabited Aram, Assyria, Babylonia, Canaan (including the Hebrews), and Phoenicia. Among modern peoples speaking Semitic languages are the Arabs

The linguistic definition of the word Semite is abstract. The population included in this definition of Semites, spoke dozens of DIFFERENT LANGUAGES.

This term Semite is a SET and with in the set were a multitude of SUBSETS ... People who spoke a 'Semitic language' in one are could not understand those who spoke a 'Semitic language in another area'.

Using the word Semite to identify any middle east tribe/empire is like saying the boy busted my balloon, when there are a hundred boys in the play ground.

When any authors write the Egyptians wrote Semitic words, ask them which of dozens of Semitic languages do you mean?

The only possible meaning of Semitic language would be some unidentified language of some unidentified population in the middle east.


Names = descriptions ... meanings

In early Europe the first/last name format was not used. Like in the middle east, names had meanings.

Miller.. this person worked as a Miller

Smith.. black smith

It is quite fun to see what people named themselves.

Native Americans also used descriptions as their names. How many names could there be? How many ideas could people conceive to identify themselves with?

If you read things such as the bible, you can look to see names given. Israel had 12 sons and they were all given different names. Some names could be repeated but others were just names given as a description.

I Samual 4:20-22 Ichabod

How many Egyptians existed after the first 1000 years? Any one who has ever done a family tree study understands the explosive rate of population increase in a few generations.

Life expectancy would have little impact. If the life expectancy was only 35 years old, by that time women would have produced their children.

No condoms, no birth control, no women's lib. How many Egyptians existed after 1000 years?

The idea that these millions of Egyptians would have conformed and all taken pat names like modern day populations, is a stretch of the imagination.

Look at all the names of the Pharaohs ... an array of names.

Names of ancient times did not take on the form of modern day names. Names were words that had some meaning.

What is a Semitic, European, Canaanite or Arabic name? .. the "Arabic name" below sounds something like Wada-gal-me-le (to me)

To hear the name in Arabic




If you were to place this girl's name on your wall for visitors to see, would it be an "Arabic name"


Translation is not the replacement of words in another language with words in your own language.

Communication is the use of signs, sounds or symbols to render information.

Some times it takes more words in one language to present the same information than the words needed in another language.

Translation is the rendering of meanings (not words) from one language to another.

A question we can begin with is, were the Egyptians communicating with any foreigners. Could the Egyptians understand what foreigners were saying?

* IF the Egyptians could not/did communicate with any foreigners, what they called those foreigners was Egyptian words, with Egyptian meanings... this would blow the assertion that these were "Semitic names".

* If the Egyptians could/did communicate with foreigners to communicate information TO Egyptians, then they would have used Egyptian words/meanings to write on their walls.

The Egyptians did not write in their tombs with the intent of Hittites, Canaanites or Phoenicians to come in and read.

What the Egyptians wrote in hieroglyphics, was written to communicate information to Egyptians.

Any names the Egyptians wrote on their walls, was what it meant to Egyptians who read it.

If you were could communicate with one who spoke Arabic, and knew what the word meant, to identify her name to your English speaking friends, you would use the text of the English that held the meaning in English.

On your wall you would exchange the Arabic for the English text, Beautiful Rose and you would change the pronunciation  Wada-gal-me-le  with Beautiful Rose. 

Names in ancient times had specific meanings. If any foreigner was named, Strong Bull, Wise Owl, Cunning Jackal or Happy Hippo... when the Egyptians wrote it on their walls, it would have Hieroglyphic words that had Egyptian meanings.

The Egyptians used hieroglyphic text to write "Asiatic/Semitic words" NO, the Egyptians used hieroglyphic text to write Egyptian words to communicate information TO Egyptians.


If the audio files do not work in the future
Rose1.mp3 and Rose2.mp3
Right click on each file
Left click on Save Target as




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Monday, September 7, 2009



This hypothetical stela had 18 lines.

An image was made of it to scale.

2  The full scale image then had reference numbers added to each line.


The image below is the transcribed text from the photograph. It is an image here, but in the working situation, you would be looking at typed hieroglyphs. Those of you with a program that types Hebrew, Greek, Arabic or Hydrographic fonts, would be looking at typed fonts in the example below.

Recreating the original text using the standard fonts

Top line, the original foreign/ancient text

Directly below is the translation of the ancient text


18 lines in the original ancient text

18 lines of translations

Each line of ancient text has the translation (using the same reference number)

Close up the way it would appear
10 Top typed ancient text using a standard font
10 Below typed translation
If the ancient source was given the title: Josephus Stela and I wanted to point out that there was one female grand daughter that entered into Egypt, my statement would be something like
Josephus Stela:10 Israel had one grand daughter that entered into Egypt
When ever any one has knowledge that exists in the bible, quran, torah ... they quote the source and the location in that source.
Genesis 46:8-26
In my this hypothetical stela, given the official title Joseph Stela, the reference is Josephus Stela:line number where my information exists.
So far we have two parts completed
A full scale image of the original source with reference numbers added.
A word processor file with fonts to create the same glyphs and below each glyph line is the translation.
Before we get to the translation part, we must do the transcribing part.



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(The images here will be small and hard to read, but the purpose here is to explain the process of entering new sources into an international data base.

The actual images are large enough to see, but you will have to download them from the photo album )

I don't have any hieroglyphic fonts, so this hypothetical story will use Hebrew script.

In this hypothetical tale, when Joseph's brothers entered Egypt, Israel created a stela to record those who entered Egypt from Canaan.

When the stela was discovered, it had cracks and was difficult to read.

The first task in collecting data to enter this information in the international data base

#1 Take the best possible picture with the hieroglyphs being the actual size.

#2 On the left side of the image of the original source, each line would be numbered. (18 is the last numbered line)

Remember this is a hypothetical image of original text, with reference numbers added to each line.




Sunday, September 6, 2009




Translation of an unknown language is done by finding patterns or examining the same word in it's context.

There is some knowledge of what ancient Egyptians used to do by things they created by their hands, but to know what actually happened in any event, hinges on the ability to read the hieroglyphs.

I have read the remarks of many about their ability to read hieroglyphs, but even those who claim to read hieroglyphs seldom create their papers/information from hieroglyphs.

The key to creating a translation system is by the establishment of standards such as are used in religious books.

The entries in the bible have specific reference marks.

Book Genesis ... 2 Kings...

Hieroglyphs could be given standard "BOOK NAMES"



By the creation of a standard set of fonts for all glyphs.

Assigning each glyph a number

Any one who learned the standard system could create any line of hieroglyphs by typing numbers

If you typed 333, 9, 17, 1034 in a file, the results would be

0333 0009 0017 0134 in the ASCII file, any number typed would become a 4 digit number

Every number when read would produce it's assigned glyph

The first 25 glyphs of a source would create 100 digits (4 digits per glyph)

This number sequence would become the long title of the hieroglyph.

Humans aren't great associating a string of numbers, so the standard organization would assign a standard human friendly name as the alternate name.

The numbers for the computer, the word associating name for humans.

After the standard was created, any alternate name would be considered an error, like misspelling.

Hieroglyphic titles - Rosetta, Khamose, Ahmose01, Ahmose02 .. Genesis, Kings 1, Kings 2


In order for all researchers to be on the same page, they must have a standard set of references:

Those who transcribed hieroglyphs would use the standard writing system

( Just like medical or legal writers, there must be a standardized writing system)

Most hieroglyphic sources will have "1 page" wall, stela.. but when it had multiple pages like a papyrus..


Hieroglyphic title:Page:Line


Hieroglyphic title: line down from the top


Because of the world interest in the bible for centuries, great developments have been made in standards.

Genesis 46:10

A - Top is the text before translation

B - Is the translation reading from right to left (as in the original middle east languages)

C - Is the translation reversed in the sequence we Europeans are accustom to.

NOTE there are more words in the translation than in the original text. This is typical for hieroglyphic translations also.

Some time in history some one came up with the Strongs' numbering system. Because people did not know the text of Hebrews, they came up with assigning Hebrew words with numbers.

The single word top right assigned the number 1121 and this single word = And the sons of

With a Strongs' dictionary in your software, you can see the actual translation.

Because a standard reference system has been created for the bible, any one can site a reference and any one else in the world can see exactly what they are eluding to.

IF something actually exists in that text, any writer can write their information, giving the source of their information.


There is no need to quote the whole translation. When an author states specific information exists in a text, they need only give the reference and put it into their own words, such as the following examples

Leviticus 24:10 In the Exodus Israelites were still producing children with Egyptians.

Ezra 9:1 The Israelites never stopped producing their families with the Egyptians.

Genesis 41:45 The Egyptian girl Asenath produced the tribe of Joseph

1 Chronicles 2:34 An Israelite took an Egyptian servant to be the husband of his daughter.

1 Kings 7:8 Solomon built a house for his Egyptian wife.

Genesis 461-34 Israel had 53 grandchildren, only 1 of them was a female. The grandsons of Israel had only Egyptian girls to produce their families. All future generations of Israelites would be descendants of Egyptians.

POINT: IF the information actually exists in any text, then the author can document their source with the reference.


What good would is it to have the ability to translate hieroglyphics, if that author does NOT use the hieroglyphs in the preparation of their papers?

You can read any supposed information about ancient Egypt, BUT these authors never site their hieroglyphic reference.

* "Salitis was the 1st king of the 15th Dynasty." <> Ok, give the hieroglyphic source and line where Salitis is identified as a king?

* "Avaris was the Hyksos capital" <> Ok, give the hieroglyphic source and line where the Egyptians stated Avaris was the Hyksos capital.

* Nefertiti was the wife of Amenhotep IV / Akhenaten <> Ok, give the hieroglyphic source and line where Nefertiti was the wife of Akhenatem

IF an Egyptologist  has factual knowledge that any said information actually does exist in the hieroglyphs, they can give THE SOURCE AND THE SPECIFIC LINE WHERE THAT INFORMATION EXISTS.

With or with out a standard reference system, any one who actually has knowledge of any information in hieroglyphics, can identify the source and give the specific line that information is written.

Those who can not site the specific source in the hieroglyphics are no different than any novice who parrots what they read in some book or some web page.

I suppose one reason many do not site the actual source and location is because it will not let them get away with embellishing their mythical information.

"An Egyptian was the servant of an Amalekite" ... "Joshua's coat caught on fire" ... any one who wanted to make up any thing is free to do so, but if you are a researcher and not a sheep, you will ask the question, where is that information written?

If I intended to share information with you that actually existed, I would simply add the source... 1 Samuel 30:13.


I would expect mythology, gossip, fairy tales to be spread on any topic on the internet, but for those who think of themselves as scientist/researchers, they would document every thing they wrote.

Hieroglyphic source, line down ... this information states ...

Some people get angry with me when I ask them for the source of information, when no such source exists. It is what they have been taught and because they have been conditioned to believe it, they continue to believe it EVEN after they know such information does not exist in the hieroglyphics.

I would imagine an international standards organization in which accepted ONLY documented information.

Hieroglyphic Title: the title assigned to any hieroglyphic source.

Page when more than one exists

Line that particular information is given.

I suggest an organization which works on a scientific level, not university graduates who embrace Aladdin's magic lamp and create their own mythology with non existent information.

Hieroglyphic source, line down this information states ...

By the creation of standardized titles for hieroglyphics, the international organization of Egyptologist could communicate with out confusion .


I will show the use of ASCII numbers later.




How many thousands of researchers will repeat the same research over and over and over.
Wasting their resources to find that which is already found and available.?
In order to sort out endless mis-understandings / confusion:

An International Egyptology Standard

would expedite the needs for all Egyptology researchers to find existing information and to publish their own new information so it can be shared with the world.
In order for people using different standards to work with other standards, they must use conversion.
In the field of Egyptology there are so many different standards in different phases, it is chaos.
Cubits, Feet, Meters
Celsius, Fahrenheit, Kelvin
Acres, Hectares
The reason why carpenters can go into a house built years ago and find, fix or add new structures is the standards created.
The reason you can go to the store and get plumbing parts to replace your own, is because of parts being made with standard measurements.
When there are optional elements instead of a standard, the flow of information is hampered.
I would suggest a university in Egypt for the hub of An International Egyptology Standard organization.
Working with other universities around the world, to create an international standard that Egyptologist around the world would base their research on.
a) Multiple spellings of the same name
b) Different spellings for the same person
c) Different Egyptians with the same names
a) When there are multiple spellings, the standard organization would pick which is the standard
b) When there are different spellings for the same person, the organization would pick the standard.
, automobile, motor vehicle, alternate, alternate


By the creation of an Egyptologist spell checker, any one could use their own word processor and dump their file in the program.
When the word processor encountered an alternate spelling, it would be replaces with the standard.
The man drove his automobile to the next down
would become
The man drove his § car to the next down.
There could be a standard symbol { § what ever} to note the word was replaced with the standard.
c) When there were more than one Egyptian with the same spelling { Ahmose King/Military man), an alternate name would be assigned as the standard to one of them.
When the spell checker encountered a name that could be two different people, it would pause for the correction

Ahmose the King
Ahmose the military commander.

Just like a regular spell checker you would click on the correct choice.
Not only are the same place given different names or different spellings, but there are also different places with the same names.
The spell checker would perform the same task, replacing alternate spellings with the standard and pausing to allow the author to chose the correct place when two places have the same names.
With this Egyptologist spell checker, it could also add other information to the places.
Information that would take hours in a large text to enter, would be done with the spell checker.
When ever the spell checker encountered the standard or alternate spelling of a place, it would create roll over text giving the global position of that place.
[ Roll over text = text that appears when you place the mouse over a word ]
Any one who has ever created maps, knows if you try to draw all the detail of lots of places, the text gets so small, it can not be read.
The map I suggest begins with an outline of Egypt with the major locations on it. With pixels representing a particular global position.
When the spell checker created the standard for a place on the map, that place would become a link.
If that link was clicked on, the map would appear with that place in Egypt would appear.
When future publishers created books ... when professors taught Egyptology, the standard spellings would be taught.
There are people downloading font software and creating fonts for glyphs daily. By the creation of standard glyphs, made public domain, by all researchers using the same glyph fonts, their hard copies could use finger print technology to be read and the typed text could create a universal ASCII code that could be shared in a common data base.
To get from hieroglyphics to translations, the standard would be created first by transcribing existing hieroglyphics to a computer file.
Once any hieroglyphic had been transcribed, future researchers would not have to view poorly photographed images in an attempt to even figure out which glyphs were on the actual source.
I recently asked about one hieroglyphic source that people are talking about all over the internet. When I finally found some who knew where the source was, they said you could no longer make out the writing.
It appears that most 'Egyptologist' go to tombs or such locations and pick a small area of interest. Before they vanish, it is essential for every remaining hieroglyphic source to be photographed in high definition, or it will be lost forever.
The Egyptologist standard dictionary I suggest would
* Replace all alternate persons names with the standard
* Give the option of which person it was when more than one person had the same name.
* Replace alternate place names with the standard, give the location of that place in a roll over text.
All of this (and more) could be done after any author finished their work, by simply pasting their text into the dictionary program.
Below are two working examples. By moving the cursor over the purple/yellow icon, you can see the text.
The Crew Commander This is the military commander Ahmose, not the King Ahmose Ahmose son of Abana, the justified; he says. I speak to
you, all people.

King Tuts' tomb is in Click here to see the location on the opposite side of the Nile from the red K The Valley of the Kings
It is the same icon but the bottom displays text and can take you to a map.

