Friday, September 25, 2009



Invitation to programmers

Font entry by typing numbers

Interested in creating fonts AND have computer programming skills?

A great application for the creation of fonts... Hieroglyphics

The concept of translation is NOT the replacement of words, but the rendering information from one language to another.

In a translation, those who read/hear it, need no special training to understand the meaning. That is what is going on in Egyptology confusion (not translation)

Put this word in a sentence "aAmw", how many people do you know who would have a clue of it's intended meaning? Unless you have special training, you do not have a clue of the meaning of all that gobbly goop.


Creating words with the pronunciation of the ancient Egyptians?

Get a grip on it, no one on earth has a clue of what ancient Egyptian words sounded like. The people who make up these sounds and spellings are making up their own words, that do not exist in any modern language on earth.

If they stop wasting their time inventing their own language, they can use a common language, even "educated people" can understand.


Translation is NOT an exact science. In hieroglyphics, there are many translations of the same text. There is still debate going on about the correct translation of The Rosette Stone.

Before getting to the translation part, let's start with TRANSCRIBING . Here I mean duplicating the glyphs in a hieroglyphic source, to a digital file.

Ancient Egyptian words are created out of a sequence of little pictures, like above, but some times, they are just little geometric symbols.

In our culture we only have 26 symbols to create our language. In hieroglyphics, they say there are over 2,500 glyphs?

I am guessing a fraction of the total are used in most hieroglyphic sources?

The number of glyphs is not important for the programmer who would work on the number to glyph phase.


I never took any programming classes, but years ago I taught myself basic programming. There is a utility that let's you convert numbers to symbols... visible characters begin with 32

5 FOR R=100 TO 255

6 PRINT R;" ";CHR$(R);" ";



100 d 101 e 102 f 103 g 104 h 105 i 106 j 107 k 108 l 109 m 110 n 111 o 112 p 113 q 114 r 115 s 116 t 117 u 118 v 119 w 120 x 121 y 122 z 123 { 124 | 125 } 126 ~ 127 ? 128 € 129  130 ‚ 131 ƒ 132 „ 133 … 134 † 135 ‡ 136 ˆ 137 ‰ 138 Š 139 ‹ 140 Œ 141  142 Ž 143  144  145 ` 146 ' 147 " 148 " 149 • 150 – 151 — 152 ˜ 153 ™ 154 š 155 › 156 œ 157  158 ž 159 Ÿ 160   161 ¡ 162 ¢ 163 £ 164 ¤ 165 ¥ 166 ¦ 167 § 168 ¨ 169 © 170 ª 171 « 172 ¬ 173 174 ® 175 ¯ 176 ° 177 ± 178 ² 179 ³ 180 ´ 181 µ 182 ¶ 183 · 184 ¸ 185 ¹ 186 º 187 » 188 ¼ 189 ½ 190 ¾ 191 ¿ 192 À 193 Á 194  195 à 196 Ä 197 Å 198 Æ 199 Ç 200 È 201 É 202 Ê 203 Ë 204 Ì 205 Í 206 Î 207 Ï 208 Ð 209 Ñ 210 Ò 211 Ó 212 Ô 213 Õ 214 Ö 215 × 216 Ø 217 Ù 218 Ú 219 Û 220 Ü 221 Ý 222 Þ 223 ß 224 à 225 á 226 â 227 ã 228 ä 229 å 230 æ 231 ç 232 è 233 é 234 ê 235 ë 236 ì 237 í 238 î 239 ï 240 ð 241 ñ 242 ò 243 ó 244 ô 245 õ 246 ö 247 ÷ 248 ø 249 ù 250 ú 251 û 252 ü 253 ý 254 þ 255 ÿ _  This is the ASCII code.

With similar programming, typing any number could produce any corresponding glyph.

This principal could be expanded to 200 or 10,000 glyphs. You type in the number and the corresponding glyph will be typed in the word processor.


The abstract words now used to represent a glyph is just confusing. It is as easy to remember 33=an owl, 222=a donkey or 1011 = a crown, as it would be to remember.

Bloop=an owl, hoptie =a donkey or wigwag= a crown. We are oriented with numbers, we do not need to create and learn a language from outer space in order an ancient language.


The numbers entered needs to be 4 digit numbers. The transcriber need not type all numbers, the data entry program could do that.

Type 1, 12 or 123 and I can create a program that will pad it with leading zeros

1- 0001, 12-0012, 123-0123

Punctuation  or a space following a number is translated into meaning the end of that number, so the program adds the number of zeros to make it a 4 digit number.

All glyphs will have a corresponding 4 digit number. This is essential to create a universal data base.


Once a standard set of glyph fonts were created and each font was given it's own number, the next step would be the training of transcribers.

A transcriber being one who memorizes (and/or) has a quick reference to the number of a glyph.

Instead of drawing a duck, type in 213.. which becomes 0213

The glyph of the duck appears in the word processor and

0213 goes into the unseen file.

As the transcriber completes the source, the unseen file is filled with a series of 4 digit numbers. Any one with a program that reads that data, can load the simple ASCII data (numbers) and display the same glyphs in their own word processor...


ONCE any hieroglyphic source has been entered into the data base, it can be shared by researchers until the cows come home.. AND

Any researcher can search every glyph ever entered into the common data base for any key words or key phrases.




How would you spell duck in hieroglyphics.. 213, which would place the glyph of a duck in the word processor display. A lot of time it would be easier to type a number than to draw the glyph.

In this system as you typed the numbers the glyphs above would appear in the hieroglyphic word processor.


Unlike our system with 26 letters, it would take 50 key boards to be able to enter possible glyphs needed.. but if you could type a number and that number place the correct glyph in the word processor, you would be in business.

Can you write a computer program that lets you type in a particular font, by typing in a number?

Send me an e-mail if you are into the development of a hieroglyphic entry method.

Here is the group where I am talking to myself about such ideas, hoping some others interested in hieroglyphics will take the ball and run with it




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