Sunday, September 13, 2009


Vague speech / letters


Speaking in broad generalities, using information that would require interpretation, using ambiguous speech is the tools of a good flim flam man. By the use of fuzzy words, when cornered the trickster can deny the intent of his words.

Tonight (Sep 12, 2009) they had a segment about the rage of tennis players and reported a great deal of the controversy can no longer be spouted because of the camera system that takes away human judgment. Photography / instant replay in football has also provided the exact way events took place and removed the error of human judgment

Though photography can be faked, it remains a valuable tool in court, because a faked photo would prove the intent forge false evidence. On the stand a witness can blubber around and try to be misleading, but when they present a photo, they are being precise.

It is a common practice for some one to provide photos to prove the amount of damaged property.

Can you imagine some one going into a court room and presenting their sketched interpretation of the damage instead of a photo?


If it still exists when ever you click on it, on this web page

This page gives information about a sketch made of an image inside of an Egyptian tomb.

"The lion-headed goddess Pakhet-Weret-Hekau with the sun-disk on her head is depicted facing both, extending her left hand to the head of the kneeling queen and blessing her. This scene is shown on (a) the drawing below prepared by L. Chappaz-Pache (Les Dossiers d´Archeologie, 1993). (b) The scene has been reworked during the 19. dynasty (now Sethi I is shown kneeling before and turning to Amun) but the (c) traces allowed the reconstruction of the original picture."


(b) the scene has been reworked

(c) but the traces allow the reconstruction of the original picture.

If I am reading this right, it looks like this image has been altered but the tracing allows the original picture to be seen?


On this web page

With few exceptions, the catalogue uses line drawings instead of photographs. Drawing an object creates a mental map of the artifact in the mind of the illustrator, and in my experience this is the best way to understand its iconography. The urns in this catalogue were drawn from sight in museum collections, or alternatively, copied from photographs. Preference was given to the first method. Every effort was made to produce illustrations that faithfully reproduce the originals, but I must stress that these are merely my interpretations


So why look at some one's interpretation instead of the original image?

I heard about a hieroglyph that is referred to over and over, but no photo exists. Why could that be?


1827 did Frenchman Joseph Nicphore Nipce
On 13 April 1841    The Australasian Chronicle announced the arrival of the daguerreotype in New South Wales:
  • Abraham Lincoln, 1860
  • Mathew Brady
  • Salted-paper print, 3.4"x2.1"
  • National Portrait Gallery
  • Image No. NPG.96.179


Why do we read about all the Egyptologist in the early 1900s sketching the images in the tombs instead of photographing them?

Photography had a good start by 1850. Before 1900 photography was a science. Indoor photographs were created with flash powder.

Matthew Brady did photos of Abraham Lincoln in the 1860s

There are hundreds of Matthew Brady Photos from The Civil War

... so why did the early Egyptologist neglect to take photos ? If you are sketching things using your own imagination then it can easily be altered to fit your own agenda, I guess?


I am guessing 99% of all who will ever read this page are not professional Egyptologist.. just the average bear like the rest of us.

I doubt if 10% of you have ever been to Egypt and if you have, you spent two weeks or less on a tour that was all planned out where you would stop and how long you would be in any particular location.

If you studied hieroglyphics for a long time before your trip and actually memorized all the glyphs, on your stop at each location, you may have seen lots of hieroglyphs.

Do you also have a photographic memory?

If you did have all the glyphs memorized and you have a photographic memory of what words were on each hieroglyphic source you saw, then you still only have the knowledge of the hieroglyphs you saw and memorized on your tour.


Where do the masses (including those who call themselves Egyptologist) get their information about hieroglyphics.

* You get it by reading what some one else wrote about the hieroglyph ... or

* You get your information from seeing photos you (or some one else) took of the hieroglyphs.

I and all the rest of you who can not read hieroglyphs, can do no more than puppet what others write.. and even the others who write Egyptology articles, many of them can not read hieroglyphics.

What I write is based on the assumption that what I read is accurate, then I challenge what does not appear accurate (to me).

Egyptologist vs hieroglyphic reader

Egyptologist.. person who reads a whole bunch of information and if they get lucky, they will find a lost prize.

Hieroglyphic reader ... IF they never entered Egypt or saw a picture of Egypt, they have the potential to unlock lost secrets.

There is no reason why hieroglyphs are not photographed with the possible detail.

Any one who wants to sketch them can do so freely, but the public should see the original work beside any re-creations based on the interpretation/imagination of some one with an agenda.

Hieroglyphic sources should have each line numbered in the photographs, for future researchers to refer to.


Remember the question "Can you imagine some one going into a court room and presenting their sketched interpretation of the damage instead of a photo? "

IF what they say is actually written in any hieroglyphic

They can produce the photo of the hieroglyphic and they can point out the exact lines that information is written on.

Those who are translating any hieroglyph is working from pictures. If you are not just parroting what some other parrot wrote, produce a copy of your photo.


You should really start here
How to Navigate this Blog




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